I know that writing a book review seems like an obvious thing to do when you’ve finished reading. However, the number of people who read books and post reviews can be very small. You're doing authors a big favor by posting reviews on book-selling sites, notably Amazon. Plus, you’re helping other readers make decisions about whether to read certain books or not. So, what makes a book review helpful or not?
A Book Review Is NOT a Book Report!
Please do not include book reports or summaries in your reviews. These reviews are completely useless and could be annoying to other readers.
How Long Should a Book Review Be?
Remember that buyers are looking for quick ways to assess whether to buy a book.
Reviews that go on for hundreds and hundreds—even thousands!—of words are overwhelming. Usually, a few sentences or paragraphs highlighting your key assessments and opinions of the book are enough.
What Should Be Included in a Book Review?
Reviews that say “good book” or some vague evaluation are not helpful, even if they express positive regard for the work.
So, what should you write in a book review?
Even if you like a book, figuring out what to cover can be difficult.
Here are several questions that could jumpstart your review and keep it on track.
Note that you don’t have to answer all of them! Just pick one or a few that are relevant.
Why did you like it (or not)?
Was it too long (or short)? What length would you have preferred? What was missing and/or what should have been cut out?
Was it easy to understand? What made it easy or difficult?
Was it what you expected? If not, what were you expecting?
What did you think of the author’s writing style? Was it appropriate for this type of book?
Was there anything you found inappropriate that could turn off readers like yourself?
How did this book change your life or perspective in some way?
How does this book compare to others like it that you’ve read?
Do you feel you got a good value for your investment of both dollars and time?